All of the latest news and views from the Unite NHSBT Branch in the NHS Blood and Transplant Authority. The views are those of the author (David Linsey) and not necessarily of Unite. The blog is currently open for comments to anyone registered with

Sunday, March 08, 2009

OTP Review

The unions are taking part in a review of the Operational Transformation Programme (OTP). If you have any comments of any sort, please send them to Paul Selby at paulselby01 at btinternet dot com. Replace 'at' with '@' and 'dot' with '.' and remove the spaces. This is to prevent spamming.

The vast majority of comments received so far have been negative, including back problems, lack of donor care and over-running sessions. The change agents are telling every team with complaints that all of the other teams are happy with the process. This does not sound like the teams are being treated with respect, which is a clear code of conduct violation.


Blogger Unknown said...

The trade unions are working together on this which is important as it strengthens our position with the employer. What we are looking for from our members are both important : namely, the problems and the solutions to those problems. What we are keen on doing is drawing together a document to present to management which proposes what stpes need to be taken to improve things in the workplace.

We look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Nick Bradley, UNISON national lead officer NHSBT

9/3/09 11:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it me, or is there a managment conspiracy within the National Blood Service,sorry, it's the National Health Service Blood & Transplant Service now.
BIG new name but same old service.
Just when will managment realise the most important people,first and above all are the DONORS!!!and then the collection staff, and very definatley not NHSBT MANAGEMENT.
The Donor/Carers role has been stripped to the bare bones,as have the staffing levels,leaving staff and donors bemused by the obvious fact that OTP simply does not work in its present form.
I believe that the continual insistance on making OTP work will ultimatly lead to the demise of our once great Blood Service.
Then the boss's can replace
OTP with RIP.

3/5/09 13:57


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