All of the latest news and views from the Unite NHSBT Branch in the NHS Blood and Transplant Authority. The views are those of the author (David Linsey) and not necessarily of Unite. The blog is currently open for comments to anyone registered with

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Amicus Leads Protests at Job Cuts

Last month Amicus staff staged a protest at the Colindale centre over the proposal to make 600 posts redundant. The article is on the Amicus website.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Constant Change

The TUC has published a document that is highly critical of constant and untested changes in public services. Very similar to the situation we are facing in the NHSBT. You may not want to read all 31 pages but you can get the general idea.

Friday, January 05, 2007

TGWU Steward Recognition

The NHSBT has finally recognised the credentials of all of the TGWU stewards. This means that full facilities are now granted to these stewards and puts an end to the ludicrous situation of stewards attending meetings but not being allowed to speak. Anyone who was hesitating to join the T&G due to worries about representation can put those concerns aside and join if they think the T&G is the right union to be in.