All of the latest news and views from the Unite NHSBT Branch in the NHS Blood and Transplant Authority. The views are those of the author (David Linsey) and not necessarily of Unite. The blog is currently open for comments to anyone registered with

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Branch AGM

The annual general meeting of the TGWU NHSBT Branch will be held at the T&G central offices in Holborn, London on Monday, 26th March 2007 at 13:00. This is your chance to have a say in the future of the branch and elect branch officers. It has always been the custom to release one non-officer from each team to attends AGMs in the past and there is no reason that this should change.

Anti-Cuts Demo

Tooting Demo
Tooting Demo

A lively demonstration was organised by Amicus rep Colin Anderson to protest against the proposals to close many of the labs with a loss of 600 jobs (65 at Tooting). Between 40 to 60 staff attended the demo during their lunch break.