All of the latest news and views from the Unite NHSBT Branch in the NHS Blood and Transplant Authority. The views are those of the author (David Linsey) and not necessarily of Unite. The blog is currently open for comments to anyone registered with

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Blood Service Petition

There is a petition on the Downing Street website, opposing the
restructuring of the NHSBT. To sign a copy, go to this address:

Monday, June 18, 2007

Blood workers see red over job cuts

Another press release from Unite (Amicus section)

Friday, 15th June 2007

Hundreds of Unite and Unison members working in the NHS Blood and
Transplant (NHSBT) service will today (Friday, 15 June) hold lunch
time protests at Blood Centres across England, to protest against
swingeing job cuts and closures.

Workers fear that plans to cut more than 600 jobs and axe seven out of
ten processing sites will put lives at risk and place enormous strain
on the workers at the three remaining site, who will have to cope with
the demand from hospitals across England and Wales.

Owen Granfield, Unite (Amicus section) Regional Officer and Staff Side
Chair, said:

"These proposals mean compulsory redundancy for many of the National
Blood Service's skilled scientists and technicians. As well as the
cuts in the testing and processing of donated blood there are also
cuts and redundancies for staff dealing with rare platelet antibodies,
red cell investigations and reagent production. We cannot stand by and
see the service cut to meet financial targets.

"The NHS and the nation has invested millions in training these
hundreds of technical and scientific staff and now proposes to just
dispose of them."

Staff Side Secretary, Bill Campbell, said:

"The time for talking is rapidly coming to an end. Despite putting
forward robust arguments and making constructive counter proposals,
management has not budged an inch on the plan. Unless we see some
serious proposals from management, we will be left with no alternative
but to consider a ballot for strike action.

"Today's lunchtime demonstrations reflect the deep anger among staff
who are already stretched to the limit. The National Blood Service
should look again at these proposals and make their decisions on what
will help to save the most lives – not what will save the most money."

As a result of the closures the service will lose the flexibility and
responsiveness to short-term fluctuations in demand that local
processing centres provide. In addition the closures will mean blood
products with a very short shelf life will have to be moved long
distances from collection sites to processing centres and back again
to issuing centres, leaving supply dependent on highly congested and
unreliable road networks.

The cuts will leave massive holes in the coverage of processing
centres, particularly in the Midlands and North East. Depending on
just three centres will also put patients in jeopardy in the event of
an emergency situation such as a terrorist attack or in case of flood,
fire or pandemic in any one of these huge urban centres.


For further information please contact Owen Granfield on 07768 693942
or Ashraf Choudhury in the Unite Press Office on 020 740 8914 or 07980
224761 or Anne Mitchell Unison Press Officer on 020 7383 0717.

‘National Blood Service changes place public at risk’ claims Unite

Press release from Unite (Amicus section)

Thursday, 14th June 2007

Unite, the UK's largest trade union, will protest tomorrow (Friday 15
June) against the proposed changes in the National Blood Service which
the union claims will place the welfare of the public at risk.

Consultation began today (14 June) on the closure of the
Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics (H&I) function at the Cambridge
site and will be the first of a number of laboratory closures at the
Cambridge centre in Hills Road

Unite (Amicus section) Regional Officer, Ian Maidlow, said:

"It is tragically ironic that, on World Blood Donor Day, the National
Blood Service has chosen to begin formal consultation with us on the
closure of a key laboratory in Cambridge. This initial plan will mean
five highly-skilled people will probably lose their jobs and their
skills will be lost to serving the public. There are undoubtedly more
job losses planned.

"The H&I function provides an excellent service. For example, it
includes the Platelet Immunology Reference Laboratory that
investigates antibodies to platelets in a number of patient groups,
including new mothers and mothers-to-be, and families who are
genetically pre-disposed to faulty platelets.

"They have established a network of donors to support these groups
that is unparalleled in Europe, and it continues to be assessed as one
of only three top-performing laboratories in the world. How does the
Blood Service reward such a superb performance? It shuts the place

A protest against the planned changes will take place at the Hills
Road site on Friday 15 June at midday.


For further information please contact: Ian Maidlow on 07768 931310 or
Clare Cheetham-Wilkinson on 07857 735642 or Ashraf Choudhury in the
Unite Press Office on 020 7420 8914 or 07980 224761.

Notes to Editors:

Hundreds of Unite members working in the NHS Blood and Transplant
(NHSBT) service will hold lunch time protests on Friday 15 June at
Blood Centres across England, to protest against swingeing job cuts
and closures.

The seven centres are in Newcastle, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham,
Southampton, Brentwood, and Tooting. There are also cuts at Cambridge
and Manchester.