All of the latest news and views from the Unite NHSBT Branch in the NHS Blood and Transplant Authority. The views are those of the author (David Linsey) and not necessarily of Unite. The blog is currently open for comments to anyone registered with

Monday, March 03, 2008

Joint Union Statement

The following is the statement agreed at the Staff Side meeting of all
NHSBT unions held on 25th February 2008:

The NBS Trade Unions receive with great caution the outcomes of the
review and revision of the announced National Strategy. At this point
we cannot accept the proposed wholesale closures of laboratories and
with regard to the 240 job losses in SD, the staff side will not
support any further reductions in frontline staff. We were given the
assurance that supporting evidence by McKinseys would be made
available following the review in support of the new and revised
strategy. We believe that evidence should be made available as we
still have grave reservations as to the ability of the proposals to
deliver a high-quality service nationally.

We therefore continue to OPPOSE the NBS intention to withdraw some
specialist service provision to the NHS, ensuing lab closures and
reduction of staff numbers on the frontline of donor collection teams.
We will support our local groups and branches who mount local
campaigns in defence of service provision to patients and donors alike
and in defence of their jobs.

Colin Anderson

Staff Side Secretary Organisational Change Sub Group