All of the latest news and views from the Unite NHSBT Branch in the NHS Blood and Transplant Authority. The views are those of the author (David Linsey) and not necessarily of Unite. The blog is currently open for comments to anyone registered with

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Pay Cut Just Got Bigger

In the last posting, I wrote that the pay cut was 2.2%. With the latest announcement that inflation is now 4.6%, the pay cut has gone up to 2.6%.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pay Cut Proposed

The government has proposed a sub-inflation pay rise of 1.9% for the 2007/08 financial year. They have also proposed that this be staged over the year with 1.5% being rewarded in April 2007 and 1% being rewarded in November 2007. The current rate of inflation is 4.2% so this is in effect a 2.2% pay cut. As nearly one third of NHSBT staff were put on protection after AfC assimilation, this is a further insult on top of threatened redundancies.